Cornflakes: Healthy or not?

I am a big fan of Deepika Padukone.
I was not happy when I saw her promoting ‘Special-K CornFlakes. Anyways, I am not here to judge but to provide science-based evidence on why I stopped eating cornflakes more than a decade back.
I think ‘Cereals’ provide a fantasy of a healthy breakfast. People eat them because they are marketed as ‘healthy food’ fortified with vitamins (synthetic, mind you) and for the most important of all reasons.
Late for work, just put in some flakes, add milk and voila, ‘A supposedly healthy breakfast for you.’ Is it so? Well, the truth is hidden from you.
The Main Ingredients Of Cornflakes Are
-Milled Corn
-High Corn Fructose Sugar
Special-K has Rice, Sugar and High Corn Fructose Sugar.
Fab* Tip: Never look at the front of the box to check what is inside the cereal box. Marketers have become savvy, and they know their customers will look when buying their products.
Always look at the ingredient list. Usually, the first three ingredients will make up more than 90% of the product.
*Fab= Name of my company is Fabulous Body, so I was like, let me try this. 🙂
For starters, let’s understand a few things about High corn fructose sugar & sugar.
Sugar has a high glycemic index and can play havoc with your health.
It can cause belly fat, cancer, metallic syndrome and type-2 diabetes. 1, 2 High Corn Fructose is metabolized in your liver and is equally harmful as sugar, if not less!
Related Article: What Is Glycemic Index | Food List With Glycemic Index
‘Death By Sugar’ is indeed not an overstatement, as pointed out by Dr. Robert Lustig. If you have an hour on hand, watch his video. He is well known for his research on what sugar does to the body. 3
Bottom line
Eating these sugar-laden cereals is the worst way to start your day, especially for your kids. Unfortunately, the marketers of cereal companies target kids. I still remember, me buying these expensive cereals not because I was dying to eat them but because I wanted those cartoon characters that came Free with these boxes 🙁
Good Alternatives To Eating A Healthy Breakfast
-Whole egg with Whole-wheat (or sprouted bread)
-Steel-Cut Oats made with Whole Milk
Final Note
If you are hell-bent on eating cereals, then do this.
-Choose the one with the least amount of sugar
-Add whole cows’ milk
-Add seeds like flaxseeds and nuts like almonds and walnuts.
This will add protein and healthy fats, which will slow down gastric emptying, give you that feeling of fullness, and there won’t be any blood sugar drop. The overall glycemic load of the meal will drop significantly, and so will the amount of insulin released.
Less insulin means less fat storage.
Related Article: What Is The Food That Is Advertised As Healthy But, In Reality, Is Really Unhealthy?

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About Akash Sehrawat
Akash is a creator of 25+ programs and certificate courses in which more than 200,000 students have enrolled both on Udemy and Fabulous Body's native platform. Akash is also an author of three books that can be found on Amazon. His answers on Quora have gathered more than 12 million views in less than a year.