Now earn your Internationally Accredited Certificate in Gut Health in less than 4 weeks!
This Speciality Certificate is Internationally Accredited by the following organizations:
-The CPD Standards for 15 CPD Hours
-NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine) for 1.1 CEUs
-AFAA (Athletic & Fitness Association of America) for 11 CEUs
-IOATH (The International Association of Therapists). The IAOTH has approved all our courses. Once you graduate from this course, you can apply to become a member with them as a Therapist.
In addition, Fabulous Body Inc. is proudly affiliated with the following:
-AHHA (American Holistic Health Association). Being Holistic is one of the core values of Fabulous Body. We are proudly affiliated with AHHA as one of their honored members.
-ANA (American Nutrition Association). Akash, the course creator and Founder of Fabulous Body Inc., is a professional member of the ANA as he strongly believes in their core principle, i.e., Nutrition is the core element of our health.
Pass Mark: 70% to secure your Certificate!
Course Pre-requisite: None
Course Duration: 2-4 weeks
Course Lectures:
See Below.
Quizzes & Graded Exam:
Graded Exam
Internationally Accredited with all the relevant logos on the Certificate as applicable.
Course & Exam Location: Online
Course Details:
Food Scientists are calling the Gut ‘The Second Brain!’
Did you know that in our gut, the microbes outnumber human cells by 10:1?
Did you know that a strong and healthy gut is the basic requirement if an individual wants to stay healthy?
Unfortunately, due to our lifestyle choices, there is an imbalance in the microbiota of our gut. The results are surprising, with links that lead to a range of diseases, including celiac disease and inflammatory bowel disease. Obesity may be related. And some studies have found relevance to depression, late-onset autism, allergies, asthma and even cancer.
An inside-out approach to healing your gut can drastically boost your health. And it only takes a little time to understand.
For decades, our view of the human body was very mechanistic. It viewed every system as a separate part of a big machine. It viewed the digestive system as separate from the body. If it’s broken, there must be something wrong with it.
But recent research has confirmed that our gut is much more functional, powerful, sensitive and complex than what was viewed a few decades ago!
Research has gone and confirmed the fact that there is a very strong connection between the gut with our brain, known as the gut-brain axis.
Our gut has the potential to influence our emotions and even guide our decision-making processes.
We all have heard of the term ‘gut instinct,’ right?
Welcome to Certificate in Gut Health, where I will teach you just how you can heal and strengthen your’s and your client’s gut.
Module 1: Introduction to Gut Health
Module 2: Gut Dysbiosis & Gut-Related Medical Conditions
Module 3: Nutrition & Gut Health
Module 4: Supplementation & Gut Health
Module 5: Lifestyle & Gut Health
Module 6: 11 Step-By-Step Guidelines To Help Heal Your Gut
Founder, Fabulous Body
Akash is a Holistic Health Practitioner and Board-Certified by the American Alternative Medical Association (AAMA). He is a professional member of the American Holistic Health Association (AHHA) & American Nutrition Association (ANA).
Akash holds two certifications from the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM)—Certified Personal Trainer and Performance Enhancement Specialist. He is also a Yoga Alliance Teacher (E-RYT 200) and has over 1000 teaching hours under his belt!
He is a creator of 25+ programs and certificate courses in which more than 200,000 students have enrolled both on Udemy and Fabulous Body's native platform.
Akash is also an author of three books that can be found on Amazon. His answers on Quora have gathered more than 12 million views in less than a year.
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Single Payment- Lifetime Access
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When does the Course start and finish?
All Courses are self-paced. You decide when you want to start and when you finish.
How long does it take to graduate from the Speciality Certificate courses such as Diet planning, Gut Health, Sports Nutrition, etc.?
All the Speciality Certificates are Self-Paced. As an estimate, if anyone devoted 3-5 hours per week, they can complete each Speciality Certificate course in 4-6 weeks. However, it's possible to complete the course in as little as 2-3 weeks. But please know it's not a race! The more time you give, the better you will be able to grasp the course material and apply our L.P.A. Model (The Learn, Practice, Apply Model).
How long do I have access to the course materials?
It depends on which packages you have purchased. Our Membership is either for 12 months or 3 Years. Based on your selection, you will get access to the course material for the same length of time. However, if you have selected to buy the course individually, you get lifetime access.
Will I get any textbooks once I enroll in this course?
We are an environment-conscious company. Our motto is 'Save Paper, Save Tree, Save the World.' The course material, which includes video lectures, manuals, & all other PDFs, are all in digital format that can be assessed from a desktop, laptop, or even from your smartphone with just an Internet connection.
Is this Speciality Certificate accredited?
This Speciality Certificate is Internationally Accredited by the following organizations: -The CPD Standards for 15 CPD Hours -IOATH (The International Association of Therapists). The IAOTH has approved all our courses. Once you graduate from this course, you can apply to become a member with them as a Therapist. In addition, Fabulous Body Inc. is proudly affiliated with the following: -AHHA (American Holistic Health Association). Being Holistic is one of the core values of Fabulous Body. We are proudly affiliated with AHHA as one of their honored members. -ANA (American Nutrition Association). Akash, the course creator and Founder of Fabulous Body Inc., is a professional member of the ANA as he strongly believes in their core principle, i.e., Nutrition is the core element of our health. We will continue to pursue numerous international accreditations and recognitions from third-party accrediting organizations.
What are my career options once I graduate with this Speciality Certificate?
To succeed in the health & fitness industry, you are required to master many things, which include and are not limited to the following: -Hustle/Hard work over a long period -Acquire Certifications from Accredited Institutes -Develop empathy, love, and compassion, and be of a helpful nature -Narrow down the niche that is your true passion and dedicate years to excel in that niche -Enough Thirst for Technical Knowledge and most importantly, have patience. As you can see, getting certified is just a part of becoming successful. There are many variables, and just like a Bollywood Hero, you are required to wear many hats and become an expert at a lot of things to succeed:)
What is the Final Exam like?
The Final Exam has 50 Questions in various formats, which include: -Multiple Choice Questions -True/False -Drag & Match. You will be given 60 minutes to complete it in one go. Once you start the exam, it's impossible to close it and retake it in intervals.
What is the process for obtaining my Certificate?
Once you score more than 70% in your final exam, you must email us at [email protected] with a screenshot of your final exam results and your full name -as you want on the certificate.
What if I am not happy with the course? Are there any refunds available?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 15 days, and we will give you a full refund. Please note we won't be able to refund you if a certificate has been issued to you.