Tomato & Basil Soup

Team Fabulous Body

3 min read | Jun 17, 2021



I am very passionate about my comfort food, a bowl of soup that I make every day, and I thought of sharing it with you all. The soup recipe for the week is Tomato & Basil soup.


Watch Our Tomato & Basil Soup Recipe Below:




-3 or 4 fresh medium tomatoes, chopped

-3-4 fresh basil leaves

-1 tbsp heavy cream

-1/4 tsp Himalayan pink salt

-1/4 tsp ground black pepper

-A pinch of allspice powder



-In a large saucepan, combine the tomatoes, water, salt & allspice

-Bring to a boil, and cook for 15-20 minutes on medium heat

-Remove from heat, and stir in the basil

-Puree the soup

-Cook for 5-6 minutes

-Add cream for garnish

Nutritional Info



Tomato & Basil Soup is a healthy classic soup that’s simple to make from scratch and full of flavor! Let’s look at the health benefits of tomatoes and basil:

Health Benefits Of Tomato


Tomatoes are an excellent source of vitamin C, vitamin E, and other antioxidants, including alpha-lipoic acid, lycopene, choline, folic acid, beta-carotene, carotenoids, and lutein, with their unique health benefits.


Healthy Skin


The beta-carotene and lycopene found in tomatoes help protect the skin against damage and make the skin less sensitive to UV damage. 1


Strong Bones


The vitamin K, calcium and lycopene in tomatoes are good for strengthening and repairing bones and improving bone mass. 2


Fights Cancer


Lycopene helps prevent several cancers, and the antioxidants in tomatoes can reduce cell damage. 3


Regulates Blood Sugar


Tomatoes contain phytochemicals and minerals, which help your blood sugar stay in balance and help reduce the risk of diabetes. 4


Improves Vision


Vitamins A and C found in tomatoes may improve vision, prevent night blindness and may also help reduce the possibility of macular degeneration. 5


Prevents heart disease


The potassium and vitamin B in tomatoes help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, which might assist in the prevention of strokes, heart attacks and other heart-related problems. 6




Tomatoes are often described as a laxative fruit as they have high water, fiber, and naringenin (a natural flavonoid) content. 7


Related Article: Tomatoes Nutrition Facts | Health Benefits Of Tomatoes

Health Benefits Of Basil


Do you know that basil leaves have benefits for health? Most of us use it for flavor and garnishing only. So do not feel surprised by the information below.


One tablespoon of fresh basil weighing around 2.6 g provides the following nutrients: 8


Calcium: 4.6mg

Vitamin A: 6.9 mcg

Beta carotene: 81.7mcg

Beta cryptoxanthin: 1.2mcg

Lutein and zeaxanthin: 147mcg

Vitamin K: 10.8mcg


Basil is an herb from the mint family. It adds flavor to meals and may provide health benefits in the diet, such as herbal medicine and essential oil. It contains antioxidants that fight against the virus and bacterial infections. It is suitable for stress and heartburn and also acts as an aphrodisiac.


Its leaves have a lot of uses, such as relieving stomach spasms, warts and head colds. It also treats kidney conditions, intestinal gas and loss of appetite. However, please do not consider this medicinal advice and consult your physician for any symptoms.

Final Thoughts


Tomato basil soup is an incredible snack recipe, simple to make, with fresh ingredients resulting in excellent flavor and textured meal. It can be made up to 3-5 days in advance and refrigerated or frozen for up to 2-3 months; however, we recommend that you make it fresh and consume it on the same day or the next at best.


Homemade soup is always better than ready-made over-the-counter ones or the ones available in most restaurants. This easy recipe soup is packed with water to help you stay hydrated, and the fiber makes you feel full.


Research shows that consuming soup may provide the same satiety level as any higher-calorie dish, and the bulk of the soup helps fill us up, so we eat less. This fact may promote healthy weight management and prevent obesity. 9


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