Will Endura Mass Help Me Gain Weight?

I advise strictly against weight gainers, be it of any brand.
In order to gain muscle, you need calories. 300-500 calories more calories than you can burn. For an average skinny guy, it is in the range of 1,800-3,000. Let’s take an average of 2,500.
In order to gain weight, let’s say he needs to eat around 2,800 calories, and 50% should come from carbs. That’s 350g of carbs every day. This is on the high end. Most of you will need carbs in the range of 200-250g.
You get calories from Macronutrients: Carbs, Proteins, and Fats. Carbs are the cheapest. The best sources of carbs are:
Oats- You can get 66g from 100g of cooked oats
Brown Rice- 50g from 200g cooked rice
Potatoes- 50g in 250g cooked potatoes
Cows Milk- 50g from 1-liter milk
Chappati- 60g from 3 medium chapatis.
Dal- 50g in 2 medium bowls
Fruits- 50g 2 large fruits like banana or apple
Grand Total- 350g
All these carbs sources are complex in nature (except fruits which are simple sugars-fructose) and highly nutritious. For example, dal, milk etc, have a high protein content as well! You will find a healthy serving of fiber and micronutrients in them as well.
Most Gainers Are Simply Filled With Dextrose/Maltodextrin, Which Is Simple Sugars And Can Be Outsourced Cheaply.
At the same time, the quality of the protein is low. Recently there is a lot of research that soy protein may not be good for you. You can check out this link to know how it may not be a good choice for you. 1https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2023/01/09/propaganda-perpetuates-pandemic-censorship.aspx Combine that with sucrose (not good for your health) and other artificial flavorings.
Now, there may be some good mass gainers in the market, using oats, or other better sources of carbs, high-quality protein like whey and no artificial flavors, but do note these high-quality gainers would be rather expensive, and you are better off getting your calories from food.

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About Akash Sehrawat
Akash is a creator of 25+ programs and certificate courses in which more than 200,000 students have enrolled both on Udemy and Fabulous Body's native platform. Akash is also an author of three books that can be found on Amazon. His answers on Quora have gathered more than 12 million views in less than a year.