Program Duration: 24-26 weeks
Progam Description:
Are you a Beginner who is Completely Clueless about how to start building Muscles?
Are you an Intermediate who has been working hard for a few years and can’t seem to gain an inch on your arm or other body parts?
Are you someone who has tried every program in muscle magazines & who spends boatloads of money on supplements and just can’t seem to gain ANY Muscle?
Do you want an Exact Workout Plan with Reps, Sets, and Total Volume for each muscle group counted for you for the next 24 weeks?
Do you want a Weekly Diet Plan (both Non-Vegetarian, Continental & Indian Menu with or without protein supplements and/or Vegetarian Continental & Indian Menu) calorie counted for you for the next 24 weeks?
If you have said Yes to any one or more of the questions above, then this COURSE is for you.
Gain up to 20 lbs in under 4 months!
Time will pass anyways..
Consider these Mistakes that you probably are Making that is not allowing you to build muscle:
Mistake No #1: You need to workout 5-6 Days/Week to Build Muscles
You see, muscles are built in two phases:
One, where you stimulate growth by working out in the gym, and two, at your home, when you eat, sleep and rest.
Most people train too often, usually following a split routine, doing an endless amount of sets per body part and foolishly thinking more is better.
Split routines & High-Volume training are for bodybuilders who are under drug use. Only they can endure the rigor of this type of training.
I have been following modern conventional training (split routines) for the last decade and I failed terribly.
[Refer to Picture-1]
Mistake No #2: Focussed on ‘Pump’ Training for Muscle Growth [Refer to Picture-1]
Like most ‘Gymers,’ I too focussed on ‘Pump’ training ALL THE TIME by doing high rep training, high-volume training, drop sets, supersets, etc., to get a pump (it simply feels good to get a pump as your muscles swell and so does your ego).
Essentially you are triggering ‘Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy’ with this kind of training and there is evidence that it works but only results in a temporary gain of 5-10 lbs of muscle.
If you want to keep growing, you need ‘Myofibrillar Hypertrophy,’ that is only achieved by lifting heavy in a specific rep range most time of the year. It results in muscle growth that never goes away and requires very less work to maintain it, unlike the former, which usually disappears once you stop doing ‘pump’ training.
Mistake No #3: You need to Eat Big to Get Big!
‘Eat Big’ denotes that you need to seriously eat a lot of food in order to build muscle. This gives many people the license to eat, and unfortunately, this results in excess body fat gain, especially around the belly fat area, resulting in the skinny person transforming himself into skinny-fat. 🙁
[Refer to Picture-2]
Picture 2:
I created ‘Muscular PRO’ because I don’t want you to repeat the same mistakes I did and waste your Precious Years!
But it does so in a very intelligent manner, i.e., cycling through Three Different Phases over the course of 18 weeks.
Here’s what you’ll get with Muscular PRO- The Ultimate ‘Muscle Mass’ Solution:
3-Phase Muscular Workout Plans
Each Phase, aka The Foundation, The Accelerator & The Booster phase, are 6 weeks long! They all serve a unique purpose and are specifically designed to do just that.
You’ll be only working out with weights 3 times a week! No more!
Total time commitment with the Muscular PRO fitness routine is no more than 6 hours a week!
That’s not even 5% of your entire week.
Phase 4: The Shredder Phase Workout & Diet Plan
This Phase is for ANYONE who wants to:
-Become Shredded i.e. Go from 12% Body fat to 6-8% Body Fat.
-Will also work for ANYONE who has plateaued and can’t seem to progress no matter what they do!
This PHASE employs advanced workout and diet principles & strategies to kickstart growth in the body.
-Carb loading, re-feeds, carb cycling, special recovery methods are explained and much more
3-Phase Muscular Calorie-Counted Weekly Nutrition & Diet Plans
Every meal, every calorie, counted for you! No Guesswork.
High Protein Meals, Low Carb Meals, Indian Meals, Mediterranean or Continental menus are all provided.
Are you a Non-Vegetarian and still prefer protein supplements? You are covered. [Or]
Are you a Vegetarian who prefer to workout without using protein supplements?
Don’t worry you are covered too!
Bonus 1: Muscular– The Nutrition Guide
This nutrition guide contains more than 40 mouth watering recipes, both main meals & snacks, most of which I personally cook and consume!
Further, exact steps on how to calculate your TDEE, nutritional tips, supplementation guidelines, and a shopping list are all included in this guide.
Bonus 2: Muscular– Tracker Sheets
Daily Meal Tracker, Weekly Goals Tracker and Goal Analysis Sheets etc are given to keep you accountable and motivated throughout the program.
Bonus 3: Weekly Motivational & Educational Emails
Emails straight to your inbox packed with information that will keep you inspired and on track throughout the program.
Bonus 4: 4 Additional FBX Workout Routines & Formats to Choose From
Think about this…..
Just ONE session with a personal trainer will set your wallet back by ($25-$75) depending upon where in the world you reside!
Train with him/her for just 3 months (3 times a week) and you are looking at a bill of $1000 or more.
Muscular PRO will only cost you $67 for Lifetime Access! That’s just $2.7/week.
[Muscular PRO is a 24 week program]
Yes, just $2.7 a week!
For a program that is a result of my ‘over a decade of research’ through trials and errors and by spending thousands of dollars on the best certifications, scientific books and journals, and then relentlessly applying the strategies, tools and philosophies on myself and hundreds of the clients I trained both at my health club and otherwise ……
Why Am I literally giving it away for so cheap? My Answer is real simple….
My Mission is to reach out to millions of people and help them save time, effort & their hard-earned money from misinformation. I just don’t want them to make the same mistakes I made.
I want everyone reading this to be able to afford it comfortably.
Building your ‘Fabulous’ Physique doesn’t have to be expensive.
Give MUSCULAR PRO a try for 30 Days and see if it works for you or not.
Your Friend & Coach,
Section 1: Introduction
TRAINING: Getting Started
MUSCULAR: Workout Plans
HIIT Videos
NUTRITION-Getting Started
MUSCULAR: Diet Plans
SHRED PRO: Resources
COOL-DOWN: Stretches & Foam Rolling
Advanced Ab Videos for Blocky Six-Pack Look
Founder, Fabulous Body
Akash is a Holistic Health Practitioner and Board-Certified by the American Alternative Medical Association (AAMA). He is a professional member of the American Holistic Health Association (AHHA) & American Nutrition Association (ANA).
Akash holds two certifications from the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM)—Certified Personal Trainer and Performance Enhancement Specialist. He is also a Yoga Alliance Teacher (E-RYT 200) and has over 1000 teaching hours under his belt!
He is a creator of 25+ programs and certificate courses in which more than 200,000 students have enrolled both on Udemy and Fabulous Body's native platform.
Akash is also an author of three books that can be found on Amazon. His answers on Quora have gathered more than 12 million views in less than a year.
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What's the difference between Muscular and Muscular PRO?
Muscular PRO includes an additional 4th phase. The overall duration of the program is hence increased to 24 weeks rather than 18 weeks. It also includes 100+ minutes extra video content for you to learn from.
Do I need to join a gym in order to start with the Muscular program?
Yes. Weight Training is the most efficient way to build muscle and lose fat. However, if you have a home gym, you would need the following equipment: Pair of dumbbells heavy enough for you to stay within the rep range of 5-10. A barbell, free weights and a multi-incline bench. A power rack (ideal for your safety when you are performing squats or benching.) If you don't have access to a gym or these equipment at home, then I highly recommend you try out my [0-20] Fat-Loss Transformation program, which only requires a set of dumbbells.
The recommended weight session per week is limited to 3 times, can’t I workout more than 3 times a week?
I strongly believe that Weight training 3 times a week is the optimal frequency one should go for and I advise you to stick to it for great results. However, if you are conditioned by conventional wisdom to train 5-6 times a week, I don't blame you. Now, the total volume of each body part, however, is even more important. For example, the total volume for shoulders is between 7—12 sets per week. For most people, this would be too less when compared with most common bodybuilding programs, which recommend something between 18—24 sets per week per body part. That's way too much! For people with average genetics and who are not on drugs or steroids, that's overtraining. That’s why people don't progress and that's one of the most fatal mistakes I made. However, the majority of your reading this have average genetics (like me) and are not on steroids/drugs and therefore, this volume and frequency will work wonders for you.
What kind of results can I expect from Muscular PRO?
The Muscular PRO program is divided into phases. Each phase has a specific milestone for you to achieve. Results will depend upon your genetics (yeah, they do matter but not as much as you think), your focus and consistency throughout the program, besides a few other variables. You are looking at a Muscle gain of ~2 lbs /month. Beginners or intermediate trainees who haven't made any progress will gain muscles at a faster rate.
How many hours do I have to devote every week working-out with Muscular PRO?
Muscular workout requires you to stay within 3-6 hours per week. There are 168 hours in a week, and as you can see that not even 5% of your week.
What do I do after I complete the Muscular PRO program?
Hey buddy, Fitness is a lifestyle, sure completing Muscular PRO will dramatically transform your physique. 24 weeks (5-6 months) is a long time! The idea with Muscular PRO is to gain a lot of muscle and keep your body fat percentage under 15%. in case your body fat rises over 15% you can take a break from Muscular PRO and try: LEAN or [0-20] Fat Loss Transformation but always get back to MUSCULAR until you are satisfied with your Muscular Weight.
Will my expense related to Nutrition & Diet go up once I am on Muscular PRO?
The Muscular PRO diet plans consist of mostly whole foods and nothing too expensive. All the ingredients can easily be procured from your local grocery store. Since the focus will be on eating whole meals most of the time, you will probably save costs by not eating out too much and before the program ends, that behavior may even compensate for more than the cost of this entire program!
Do I have to consume supplements?
As always, the use of supplements (whey proteins, multivitamins, fish oils etc.) is to fulfill the deficiency in your diet. It varies from person to person. Therefore I have given diet plans, both non-vegetarian and vegetarian, with or without the use of supplements. The use of supplements also acts as a major convenience. Personally, I consume whey protein not because I cannot get enough protein from my diet but because it satisfies my sweet cravings and is hugely helpful when I am extremely busy. Well, aren't we all?
Akash, can’t I just find this information FREE online somewhere?
No. My business model is simple: 95% Content FREE and 5% content Premium. Muscular PRO is Premium content. You may find fragments of what I provide in Muscular elsewhere or even on my blog, but nowhere will you get a Step-by-Step, Specific and Concise system to achieve a Muscular physique.
What happens after I place the order?
After your payment has gone through, you will get access to your dashboard, where you will be able to access your course for Life or as per your membership. At the same time, you will also get an opt-in email if you want information-packed emails that will help you keep on track with the Muscular PRO program.
Can I pursue Muscular PRO if I have any health concerns?
If you think you have medical concerns like certain past injuries/surgeries etc, then you should consult your physician before starting any fitness program. I am not a doctor and cannot guide you when it comes to giving medical advice.
Are there any refunds?
The Muscular PRO system will 100% work for you if you remain dedicated and focused throughout the program. However, for any reason you think it’s not working out for you, Muscular PRO is backed up by a 15-Day No Questions-asked Money-Back Guarantee, although I would hate to see you go :(